The featherweight decorates his Christmas tree with an image of Nicky Nicole


Undoubtedly, 2023 is the best year for Hassan, the real name Featherweight Well, he won many awards and his songs surpassed Bad Bunny to stay at the peak of popularity; So you will definitely celebrate Christmas in a big way.

And the thing is, we're only a few days away from Christmas, and many celebrities have been decorating their homes, especially the Christmas tree, during these weeks. The same featherweight who didn't hesitate to include his girlfriend Nikki Nicole In this.

Undoubtedly, Bezo Pluma has always attracted attention with her flamboyant manner, dressing and singing, so it can't be any different when it comes to decorating her Christmas tree.

The truth is that the singer of Garritos Tumbatos shared with his followers a photo where you can appreciate part of the decorations he used for his little tree, but it was a picture that attracted a lot of attention.

Well, the translator of “She Dances Sola” centered his photo on a photo of his famous girlfriend Nicky Nicole on his Christmas tree, however, the Guadalajara native posted an edited photo, so it's no photo at all. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, considered a symbol of divine love.

The featherweight decorates his Christmas tree with an image of Nicky Nicole

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Gillian Patton

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