Abinader: “Legacy had a legal edge for 95% of works”

President Louis Abinader called the “legal knot” when explaining why 95% of the works left by the previous government were slowly being completed and delivered.

Prior to the inauguration of a road section of the El Liman community that provides access to El Moron Beach in Saman, the president explained that executions allowed by law exceed 25% of the budget.

“Los Terrenas Hospital had many years to complete, I was there, visited it, we are finishing it, we have improved it, but like the 25 per cent of the works we received, It had a legal decision, i.e. more than 25 per cent were over budget, which prevented it from going ahead. “

He pointed out that the government was looking for a legal way to “get it done quickly.”

He assured that these works would affect the growth of Saman by creating employment and increasing the number of tourists in the region.

He explained that more than 40 works are being carried out in the tourist areas and a major shipping project and dock will be announced soon in the same case.

Insisted El Liman Bridge “As you can see, they are not advancing at the pace we want, but we hope they will make a significant leap to open soon over the next two months already,” he said.

He stressed that the work, which had been suspended for a year in Samane province, was progressing for the first time “out of those legal issues”.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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