4-Day Work Week Gives Good Results, Iceland Study Results | Univision Mundo News

4 day work week, Instead of the current five, has yielded good results in new research conducted In Iceland And published Autonomy, A UK-based progressive think tank.

The results of this work show that “worker well-being is greatly enhanced by a wide range of indicators, Depression to fatigue, Goes through Health and work-life balance“.

To create this study, the researchers followed 2,500 employees They reduced their working hours to four days, with 36 hours, without deducting their monthly salary. Public servants from various places such as participants Hospitals, Schools, Social services or offices

In all cases, not only did their mental health and general well-being improve, Your productivity, One of the most common concerns of employers, is not only maintenance Updated in some cases.

The study was conducted in Iceland, a country of 356,000 people Most employees work 40 hours a week, and working more than 13 hours a day is illegal.

The hours earned by the workers were satisfactory because they were able to dedicate themselves to focusing on other activities that are good for mental and physical health. How to play and socialize.

“These tests are an incredible success in the history of reducing working hours The interest of workers around the world“, Illustrates the study.

Improving labor flexibility

This study has already affected the Icelandic work model: 86% of the country’s labor force You now have the right to work fewer hours or at least reduce your hours.

“This study shows that a short working week in the public sector is the biggest article It was a huge success by all indicators “, The director of research pointed out Autonomous Research Center, Will Strong.

He added: “It shows it The public sector is poised to be a pioneer The lesson that other governments can learn is to reduce the work week. “

The idea of ​​a 4 day work week is floating in the public debate in many countries UK or Spain. The British Parliament is considering creating a commission to carry out a project similar to Iceland. Spanish political party The ecologist also left the country, The second force in the autonomous government of Madrid takes this project as one of its main ideas.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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