These are the South American countries that can see meteor showers on April 21 – Enséñame de Ciencia

This month of April 2024 never ceases to amaze us with the extraordinary astronomical events it has in store for us.

On this occasion we will tell you about the next meteor shower, which will light up the dark night of some South American countries and shower us with unforgettable memories of how big our universe is. So don't leave reading all the details of this amazing cosmic event.

This is the Lyrid meteor shower, a unique event for observing the beauty of the stars in April 2024, from the Northern Hemisphere to the south of the equator, according to experts, the distant environment can be seen. From the city, without light pollution, we can see 10 to 20 meteors per hour.

The Lyrids are one of the oldest rains dating back 2,700 years, and the Chinese were the first to witness this cosmic event, which usually occurs in April each year.

According to Pot, the Lyrids are known for their fast, bright meteors, which sometimes amaze observers with up to 100 meteors per hour. Typically, 10 to 20 Lyrid meteors can be seen per hour during their peak.

It is also mentioned in it Lyrics They are pieces of space debris originating from comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher, and are only the size of a grain of sand traveling through Earth's atmosphere at 49 kilometers per second as they hurtle through space. There they disintegrate and form rays of light.

Body Alberto Quijanomember American Astronomical Society and founder Astronomy Laboratory of Narino Universitymentions that “After midnight is the best time to watch lyrics anywhere, you don't need any special equipment, clear sky free from light pollution.”.

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Image credit: NASA/NASANET

On the other hand, the International Meteorological Organization He posted that it was amazing event With a peak at 7:00 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), this will be seen at the end of the night of April 21 and the early hours of April 22, at its peak glory and brightness.

Therefore, this meteor shower will start to be seen in the following South American countries at the following times:

– 4:00 a.m. in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Chile.

– 3:00 am in Bolivia.

– 2:00 a.m. in Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia.

– in Mexico at 1:00 p.m.

The downside to observing this meteor shower is that it happens during a full moon, which has approximately 98% brightness, so some meteors may go unnoticed. To get more visualization, it is recommended to block the moonlight with the help of trees.

Since meteors can appear from any part of the world, some recommendations from NASA for observing this great astronomical event are to wear warm clothes, sit in a recliner or lie on the floor with a thick blanket and always look at the sky. . Sky, near the constellation Lyra.

Similarly, NASA designates this April 22 as “World Earth Day,” so observing this event will be the perfect opportunity to reflect on our lives on the planet.

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Misty Tate

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