The young man tells us what Christmas and the end of the year are like in Cuba

A young man TikToker Cuban used humor and irony to describe how Christmas and the end of the year in CubaAnd he didn’t hesitate to finish by saying he wasn’t going to go to Santa Claus Island because “it’s too bad.”

A netizen listed as “Zequi Pérez” on the aforementioned social network – while eating a dish he described as “sancocho” – How everyone in Cuba at this time focuses on what they eat on the 24th and 31st.

Zequi Pérez describes the ideal celebration of the island: a family meal with music, dominoes and shots of rum, the always funniest family member, another drunkard and an unsuspecting visitor.

However, the real guest of honor in this situation pork.

“Really missing the pork. That’s the specialty: a congeri, some tostones, a yuca with mojo, lettuce with tomato, some chicharoncitos for a snack…”, Sequi enumerated excitedly.

However, he concluded that it was style and traditionNow there is no one who can complement that idyllic menuand recalled that “a piece of pork cost you an eye and half of the other.”

In other parts of the world, other recurring themes of Christmas, such as houses decorated with gifts and lights, cannot be dreamed of.

“Here you’re not going to see that Christmas spirit anywhere, the destroyed streets are usually what you’re going to find, which is the sad truth,” he explained.

“Everybody here is thinking about what they’re going to eat on the 24th and 31st, that’s the Christmas spirit, that’s what Cubans think about”The young TikToker, who has more than 25 thousand followers on the aforementioned social network, ended the joke bitterly.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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