Marcos Mallory and Yasmin Mejias evoke the nostalgia of Christmas in the Diaspora

Nostalgia for the Puerto Rican Christmas season is one of the most common aspects of the diaspora. Some of the experiences they miss are the dynamics of family gatherings and the festive joy that distinguishes the way we celebrate.

This fact inspired Puerto Rican singer Marcos Mallory to create the song Who wants to cheat?, a title he promotes with the complicity of his wife, actress Yasmin Mejias. In 2018, after moving to Kissimmee, Florida, the couple had to follow a different celebration from their homeland, so this thought touches them very closely.

“A lot of people think that people in the diaspora don’t pay attention to what’s going on in Puerto Rico, and that’s not true, because because of the media in different TV channels and networks, sometimes we know more about things on the island,” Mallory agreed. “I was inspired to do this song when my son Christian and I made a song together during the Yasmin epidemic. Let’s party. Many people recognized the title, saw it and wrote to us, which I did this year Who wants to cheat?”, added the writer and person responsible for the music arrangement.

In turn, he thanked his compatriot Jose Nogueras for his support, who empowered him to include several lines of his hit in the song. To congratulate you.

“Take one of my songs and use it, you won’t have a problem with me,” he told me, and that’s what the nobles, that desire, everyone can move forward, said Marcos López Rivera. Name. With a fun touch, the single celebrates the tradition of savoring traditional dishes and the glamor of party-going.

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Yasmin Mejias exemplifies the song’s desire to lift the spirits of its listeners. “With all the negative things going on… we wanted to keep that Christmas cheer and remember that Puerto Ricans abroad continue to celebrate Christmas as we do in Puerto Rico. ” he said. .

The artist accompanies the singer in the music video. “What we want to do is unite a lot of Puerto Ricans who live in Florida, which is where we are, with Puerto Ricans from Puerto Rico. We have Prodigio (Claudio), Roberto Vicoriax, Eduardo Robles, Carlos Merced, and we don’t have people because they don’t provide us. to breakHe said after listing several guests. His colleagues Víctor Alicea, Carmen Nydia Velázquez and Eyra Agüero participated in the visual clip from a distance.

Mallory shared that one of the most valuable gains from the experience was the participation of the couple’s common son, Christian Emanuel. “The most beautiful thing for me is that I can have Yasmin and my son Christian with me. “They’re in the choruses, in the video, in the production.”

The artist, who had been celebrating with his parents and siblings on Puerto Rican soil for years, had to adapt to new practices. “We in Florida are always looking for a way to meet up with friends and family, because in Puerto Rico all we did was meet up with family, at my house, or my mother’s house, or my brother’s house,” he reviewed. “When you go to live abroad, you interact with people you already know and other people you meet when you arrive, and that support network is created, which is the extended family. So we do the same thing, we meet friends and make traditional meals at someone’s house.

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Mallory revealed that the excitement never fades. “They are celebrated with the same joy, with the same longing,” said the voice of the famous song. Attractive baby.

He has coffee

The pair are also promoting the Cafe Altagracia brand, which they created in July this year. The product contains a blend of Colombian, Brazilian and Ecuadorian grains. “It’s a delicious coffee,” Mejias noted. “There are three beans, it’s a blend of Robusta and Arabica. It’s not blended with anything else. It’s a very strong coffee, however, it’s very low in acidity. The product is available for sale online.

“It’s a coffee to taste for people who really like to drink coffee. The coffee has chocolate notes, it’s not that it’s mixed with chocolate, it’s where the coffee is planted, the seed gets those notes,” he noted.

The brand is divided into “Doña Yasmín Roast” and “Don Marcos Decaffeinated Roast”. “Marcos can’t drink caffeinated coffee because it’s too too much (High performance), so he takes it as decaffeinated,” the artist admitted.

Malory explained that the method is used Swiss water To caffeinate, therefore, “it has the same taste, the same texture, all the elements of caffeinated coffee, but in this process, no chemicals are used to extract the caffeine.”

Vestibular neuritis, an injury to the vestibular nerve, can cause imbalances and, as a result, disable the singer’s work limitation, so the idea arose to start the production.

“Through the treatments, Marcos is active, he walks, he guides, but when the dizziness is so strong, ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ has been, he cannot work, he cannot engage himself as he used to, he worked in a senior center, taught classes at the university. ”he said. explained. Mejias admitted that “he began to pray and asked the Lord for an idea that he could grow without working many hours of the day, and work as much as he could, and the idea that God gave him was to sell coffee.” The opportunity to reinvent yourself.

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On the other hand, the two reiterated the love that keeps them connected to the Puerto Rican people, which is why they moderate their spot every Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. night club, on Facebook.

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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