Ariadne Talia Sodi Miranda, well known Talia He finds himself in public after sharing some photos with his pet Doberman breed dog. The film has already garnered over 198,000 likes and thousands of comments, all of which received negative news and support for the actress.
In the snapshots you posted Talia In your official social networking account Instagram You can see the singer next to her DogShe wore a luxurious orange dress and make-up on her dress, but what attracted attention was not her wardrobe, but how beautiful she was, but the center of attention was her pet.
The ears of his Doberman breed dog were cut off and tied. This procedure is the most common of these Dogs It is also practiced in other breeds such as bulldogs and boxers. This surgery has been carried out for many years and involves removing parts of the ears that are straight so that they will not be a vulnerable point if another dog attacks them.
Your pictures female dog Francesca provoked the anger of Internet users because this type of surgery is currently considered animal abuse. So, many of his followers sent messages: “What’s in the ears?”, “Everything was fine until you cut off the poor man’s ears,” the poor puppy, his ears. It is not necessary ”, in other negative news related to the singer’s decision.
Without a doubt, true Talia Perform that type of surgery on your pet and his followers and fans will not see. Currently, the artist has not responded to comments received on his Instagram account on this topic.