The most terrible problem in the free world is that 200 years after the statue was made, America is no longer a leader. The problem with the free world is that the United States must be a leader for at least 100 years from now

It is clear today that the “American century” is over. The boat was brought ashore, the money was placed under the tongue of the deceased, and Karon was satisfied.

Choosing a madman for the White House caused the United States to lose world hegemony, not economically, but politically. The loss of political supremacy is 1,000 times worse than the loss of economic supremacy. The United States can no longer claim rights from here until it asks others to respect “democracy.”

What is happening in the United States is not a bad attack on American democracy, but an attack on world democracy.

Because the United States has been a role model for the free world for decades.

Let’s look at the map. How many Democrats can we count? How many people in this world can freely express dissatisfaction with the policies of their governments? How many people in the world can freely say that they are not satisfied with the government’s policy on health, education, employment and infrastructure? Only a quarter of the world’s population. China, which is preparing to become the world’s leading economic power, is a severe dictatorship; Russia is a despicable oligarchy. There are many oases in the world today: the European Union, the United Kingdom, the countries of Northern Europe, the United States, Canada, and Australia. India, Japan and South Korea to some extent. That’s it! Otherwise, you will “pop” when the envelope is opened. All of these together do not indicate a balance of benefit.

The worst question that no one has a definitive answer to: What is “democracy”? Of course, the word came from ancient Greece (“demos” and “kratos” – meaning the power of the people).

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From here, tough questions. Why are the Americans who invaded Capitol yesterday less than the French who set fire to the Bastille in 1789?

The human mind is very strange. We learn from school that Caesar was a great Roman emperor / dictator. At the school I attended, I learned Latin – just as I had learned – from his writing. We know he was killed in a plot led by Brutus. But the explanations stop here. No one at school said that the “great” Caesar was only a bastard and why militant wars were started to keep the republic or to crown the emperors.

However, Caesar went down in history as the protector of the republic, not Brutus. William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” “Are you rude?” We believe Brutus is a bastard because he read and quoted the play. Today’s free world should be thanks to Brutus, not Caesar.
I am true to Alexis de Toquille, a Frenchman who praised America 150 years ago. “Democracy in America” ​​is one of the essential books of political literature. “How cold America is” – this is basically the result of Tokeville’s slum investigation. He apologizes to American democratic institutions. Here they stand, history proving that Tokeville is right. But that still doesn’t seem enough.

I think what I am saying now is unbelievable. I would not have dared to write this until yesterday. But today I simply believe that the EU should give a clear and vague sign of support for the United States for American democracy. Romania, which accounts for less than 1% of US GDP, must make it clear that it supports the United States. I repeat, I would not have dared to write like that until two days ago.

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By military force or by the power of democratic institutions, the United States must be the leader of the free world. If the EU becomes a federation, it may seize the flag of the free world. But this will not happen in the days I live on this earth.

Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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