The Minister of Science visited San Fernando Industrial High School on Vocational Technical Education Day – El Urbano Rural

The Minister of Science visited San Fernando Industrial High School on Vocational Technical Education Day – El Urbano Rural

The Professional Technical Foundation, in addition to its artistic mission, carries out scientific research in the social sciences, the work of which has been recognized by Minister Salazar.

On August 26, 1942, the Directorate General of Vocational Education was created, under the mandate of President Juan Antonio Ríos. There are currently 931 vocational technical (TP) secondary schools across the country, representing 37% of the total enrollment in grades 3 and 4 with just over 160,000 students; 46% of them study at a public institution that offers this training. For its part, TP Higher Education accounts for more than 50% of first-year enrollment in undergraduate undergraduate courses.

Within the framework of the Professional Technical Education Day, the Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Research, Flavio Salazar, visited the San Fernando Industrial School on Wednesday, August 24, to learn more about this educational project, which in addition to its mission is a professional technician, working on scientific research in the social sciences through The PAR Explora Programme, which is implemented in the region by O’Higgins University.

“Today we are partnering with the Technical Vocational Education students from San Fernando Industrial School. The activity focused on the importance of knowledge and science to the development of the country, but with a viewpoint linked to the communities. In addition, we saw the progress they made in their training, but also the concerns they raised about how Engaging in research, both in the field of robotics, as well as in social sciences and environmental care.It was a very interesting initiative, which is in line with our efforts as a ministry to bring science and knowledge closer to societies, but also to bring together the value that these societies have in building a new development model, Where everyone and everyone can contribute to this challenge, and this is done not only from a scientific point of view, from engineers in universities, but also requires highly trained operators and technicians, as in developed countries, commented the Minister of Science, Flavio Salazar.

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During the visit, Minister Salazar was able to learn about the project “An Approach to Social Imagination and Society Perception of Antarctica and Climate Change” implemented by the Scientific Academy of the Secondary School, part of the IIE Academies at PAR Explora, under the guidance of the history teacher, Victor Leon (finalist of the 2021 World Teacher Prize ).

The official visit was attended by Minister Salazar, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Nicolas Cataldo. Head of the Science and Society Department at the Ministry of Science, Sonia Perez; PAR Explora Regional Director, Rodrigo Verschi; Colchagua Presidential Delegate Marta Pizarro; SEREMI Science, Sofia Valenzuela; Mayor of San Fernando, Pablo Silva; Principal of San Fernando Industrial High School Carlos Moreno; In addition to Senators Alejandra Sepulveda and Juan Luis Castro.

“I think it is a very good sign from the ministry and it is in line with what our President Gabriel Borek wants; on the other hand, the decentralization, as the minister pointed out, it is good to see the authorities in the regions and not in the regional capitals, like San Fernando, and in the case of vocational technical education, it has They were seen for a long time as a younger brother of professionals, however, more and more in OECD countries, with which we like to compare ourselves, professional technical jobs are valued very well,” added SEREMI Science in the Central and South Macrozone Region, Sofia Valenzuela.

“Technical and vocational education, like all types of education, is very important for the development of the country, so we are very happy that the Minister is visiting our region in the context of Technical and Vocational Education Day, and moreover, do it by visiting the high school that worked hard on research in the field of science computer. through the Explora Scholastic Research and Innovation Tool,” said PAR Explora Director O’Higgins and Director of UOH’s Institute of Engineering Sciences, Rodrigo Verscha.

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San Fernando Industrial High School

San Fernando Industrial School (former Craftsmen’s School) has a history of 81 years, passing through countless disciplines, including turning mechanics, agricultural mechanics, furniture, blacksmithing, foundry, electrical, and more. In 2007, Liceo Industrial lives a milestone in its history, as it became mixed for the first time.

“For us it is a source of pride and, therefore, an appreciation for the work that is always done in the school, especially with the faculty. It is not usual for an industrial high school to work with the sciences, especially social issues, and for a minister to come to San Fernando to our high school, This is a source of pride for our work,” confirmed the director of San Fernando Industrial High School, Carlos Moreno.

“Ha sido una instancia muy simbólica, porque historicamente los liceos industriales han sido dejados por los gobiernos, por lo que ha sido muy pertinente que en el gobierno actual haya llegado un ministroón de Ciencias cotros, com Social sciences. For us as a community, it has been motivating and gives us the support to move forward,” concluded History Instructor at Liceo Industrial, Victor Leon.

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Myrtle Frost

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