“Poland Chernobyl”, the city was destroyed from the map that covered the base of Soviet nuclear missiles

To get to this city in Szczecin, the capital of the region, you have to go through the lowlands of Poland, which also has the tradition of the Cold War.

Prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the site was accessible only to those with special permits. Everyone else walked away and pretended to know nothing about it.

Nearly 12,000 Soviet troops were stationed at the Bourne Sulinovo military base at the height of the Cold War.

“The site was a large construction site for troops and military facilities,” said Vysva Bardosek, owner of the local museum in Bourne Sulinovo.

“There was only one road, a railway that reached the mysterious city behind the electrified fences.”

People living near Bourne Sulinovo were too scared to mention this place CNN.

Prior to World War II, when the area was part of Germany, the city was known as Bourne Bourne and served as a military base and training base. Adolf Hitler visited the city in 1938.

Bourne Sulino is currently a residential area. After the withdrawal of the Soviets, a barrage of apartments were moved. The railway was removed and converted into a main road. “People from other parts of Poland came to Borneo because the apartments were so cheap,” Bardoszek said. About 5,000 people now live here.

The Soviet Union has explicitly denied storing nuclear missiles in Poland, but archaeologists have been researching the site by analyzing unclassified satellite imagery and analyzing building scans.

“Some of the largest pits for these warships are located in the village of Bresica-Colonia near Bourne Sulinovo.

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At the end of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, all maps documenting the site were destroyed.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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