Magali’s House |  Greissy Ortega will come to Peru with her children to be one of the members of Magali Medina’s new reality show |  Videos |  Show Business |  trpm |  programs

After the biggest complaint he made Gracie Ortega Yet against the husband, Italo Villaseca In the project Magali Medina, Magpie reported that Milena Jared's sister flew to Lima last Sunday night with her four children. It was Magali TV La…

Uribe, Calderon, Aznar and 20 former presidents of Spain and the United States share their “deep concern” over the electoral crisis in Guatemala.

Former heads of state and heads of government participating in the Democracy Initiative of Spain and the United States (IDEA) spoke this Sunday, July 16, through a report on the "serious" political situation Guatemala faces after the 2023 general elections.…

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