Mexico seeks to implement deportation flights in response to immigration boom

Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) is taking steps to address the growth of irregular migration flows on the country’s railway system, following the agreements established last September 22 during the Interim Meeting in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua.

As part of its commitment, INM announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is conducting diplomatic talks with the governments of Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. The aim is to seek agreements to allow these countries to accept return flights for undocumented migrants.

In addition, INM has contracted air and ground transportation services, including chartered flights, to transport irregular migrants to other parts of the country. This action is implemented to provide them with adequate care and assistance or to repatriate them to their home countries where appropriate.

Maintenance of minors

In a statement, Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government and the Ciudad Juárez city council were said to be collaborating to find suitable land to build an open-door shelter, which would focus mainly on helping family groups and minors.

To date, the INM has registered a total of 1 million 566 thousand 948 foreigners in irregular situations in the national territory from January 1 to October 3 this year.

The move by Mexico comes within the framework of an agreement with the United States to strengthen the fight against illegal migration, and coincides with the White House’s decision to expand the border wall to control the flow of undocumented people in the River Valley. , Texas.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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