Improvement of the Parque España | City of Buenos Aires

Located in Amancio Alcorta and Baigorri on Comuna 4, Parque España features a new themed playground to enjoy with the family.

Business breakdown

Consideration has been given to improving the stadium in Parque España Expand the playing areafrom 550 square meters to 954 square meters, and includes a stay and rest A space of calm under the shade of trees. At the same time, a new arrival was sought to create in one of the cross paths.

The defining theme of this space was ‘playing in the port’, embodied in it Comprehensive design and innovative gamesdesigned exclusively for this space, among them:

  • mangrouli shaped harbor cranes,
  • Sailboat’s spring
  • wooden containers.

They are also included passive games, such as board and sandbox, And they joined New benches, tables, stroller/bicycle stand, awnings and landscaping types, surrounding the entire stadium.

In order to guarantee inclusion, the Signage posters and illustrations are incorporated.

Other interventions made in the garden:

✅ Renovation of the irrigation system (2022)

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Myrtle Frost

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