Hungary Challenges EU Court! Human rights activist: Continued deportation of migrants – Sources News

Without examining each case individually, Hungary usually deports immigrants, and a month after the European Court of Justice (CJEU) ruled that the practice was illegal, a human rights activist was quoted as saying.

Following the CJU’s December 17 decision, Hungarian border police forced more than 3,000 immigrants into Serbia without allowing them to seek asylum, Andros Leder, a representative of the Helsinki group for human rights, said on Sunday. He said it was a “blatant violation of the law”.

“It’s outrageous to continue things like this,” Leder said.

The CJU ruled that deporting immigrants without personal analysis of each case and without appropriate security measures violates EU asylum law and non-refundable policy.

Non-repayment is the principle of international law, which states that “no one shall return to a country where he or she has been subjected to torture, cruelty, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and other irreparable harm.”

Hungary began deportation indiscriminately in the fall of 2015, when the government led by Prime Minister Victor Orban decided to build a metal fence along the Serbian border. Hungarian officials say deportation rejects asylum applications, in which border guards take “illegal immigrants” to fenced gates, where they can enter Serbia.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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