Georgia’s hard lessons for Republicans

American Democrats will come to control Congress and the White House for the first time in a decade. The significance of Tuesday’s election in Georgia for the Senate is explained by the fact that this is only the second aspect of their historical relevance.

Former separatist government and founding member of the Federation [inițiativa secesionistă care a provocat războiul civil american – n.trad.], Georgia has now elected its first black senator, and if the remaining votes count against expectations, it will also elect its first Jewish senator. The suffocation of the New South is never valid. After a year of racial struggle, the results are no less significant for the entire United States.

Rafael Warnock and – if confirmed [la momentul traducerii Ossoff își proclamase deja victoria, înainte de încheierea numărătorii – n.trad.] “John Osap will bring Democrats to a level with Republicans in the Senate.” Only with the decisive vote of Kamala Harris, who was elected vice-president, can Joe Biden now expect Congress to pass any of the reforms he has planned. After taking office as president this month, Biden will have to prioritize anti-infective measures and its economic consequences. Simultaneous control of the executive and the legislature has always been short-lived, at least for Democrats, since the 1960s.

Dealing with a weak advantage is still a pleasant issue

As far as the Republicans are concerned, the outcome of this election is undoubtedly pathetic. Georgia has been “their” state for a generation. President Donald Trump’s anti-democratic persecution did not throw off his defeat to Biden. But they seem to be evil within themselves to the extent of pushing undecided voters in the opposite direction. Gabriel Sterling, a prominent Republican from Georgia, blamed Trump’s “November 3” election results on his state. These include unsubstantiated lawsuits in several states, a false phone call from a Georgian official and a march in Washington scheduled for Wednesday. No matter how difficult it is to distinguish between cause and effect, this relentless campaign to prevent a “theft” that does not exist has failed to mobilize enough Republicans, at least not in Tuesday’s election.

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Ideally, the Republican Party, in principle, should abandon such presidential behavior. But, with colossal exceptions, it is a party whose moral expression seems to delay an eternity. Kelly Lofler, who appeared before Mr Warnock, was one of the senators who wanted to challenge Mr Biden’s victory certificate on Wednesday. Such irresponsible games will not be to the detriment of the glorious legislature.

Cracks in the sunny belt

Therefore, it is now up to the Republicans to appeal to their own selfishness, as the moral appeal has failed. Beyond the fact that this is a contest between some politicians, the by-elections in Georgia are also the first public reaction he has had since Trump’s defeat. The results do not indicate its persistent hunger. The president seems to be leaving his party with less institutional power than he had before he took office.

We add Pitton’s success in Arizona, the cracks in the sunny belt are already clear [statele sudice – n.trad.] It is a conservative fortress. Georgia confirms what the presidential and previous parliamentary elections represent: no matter how much the current president provokes his constituency, it does not have the majority of the electorate.

If Osap thinks he has won, Biden can control the federal government. He can certainly expect his most executive appointments to be confirmed. The boundaries of the elected president have expanded overnight, and his opponents can only blame themselves. Georgia teaches Republicans a lesson – only if they agree.

Wilmot Chandler

"Explorer. Web specialist. Beer practitioner. Alcoholaholic. Social media geek. Introvert. Food lover. Future teen idol."

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