“Blessing gays is part of modernism's agenda as it seeks to take over the church, says Mazalles” | Daily list

Bishop Emeritus of the Dominican Republic, Victor Massallus, pointed out that the document was part of a document recently released by the Vatican doctrinal office that would allow priests to bless celibates and homosexuals in the Catholic Church. “An Agenda of Expanding Modernity.”

He expressed this agenda while speaking about the various crises facing the Catholic Church in this era. He did not want to destroy the church, but to conquer it.

“It is a very misleading, very difficult document, because, on the one hand, they present you with the most beautiful words, with the blessing, with the desire for a new dimension of blessing, when the blessing is liturgical or informal… “All this is to remove homosexuality as a sin and to change the doctrine” Mazalles with José Plascencia. Speaking, he said in the place “The Faith of the Church”.

He said that it tries to fit well with the document German conference, Berga and Luxembourg are major promoters of the LGBT agenda.

“Blessing is about making people feel good… I'm worried about (the document) because it doesn't want eternal life, it's about making people feel good… No, you can't bless sin, you're blessing people. The blessing must be directed at things and people, they're meant to be.” It should be towards the good,” he pointed out

Víctor Masalles said that if he A bishop in charge of a diocese will prohibit these types of blessingsWhen all councils want to oppose the document.

He also said that the same document calls not to bless those who do not wish to do so because there is no will.

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“The Pope is a serious man, but I get the impression that he is not surrounded by people who would be most helpful to him in making a church that is transparent, that seeks justice, that punishes where it belongs and that includes everyone,” he said.

He explained that many bishops and priests have suffered this punishment has been shown to contradict some theories Pope Francis said:

Accordingly, speaking of his resignation as Bishop of Bani Diocese, He resigned because he was called to resign. And the person who welcomed him was the one who “drafted” his resignation.

“In my case I was fired, I was called to resign, I was called to resign, theoretically I could not say that I was going to go to Spain and cooperate a little. I was called to resign, I resigned to go to Barcelona, ​​not to Barcelona or anything, and now I'm out.Ra can't say without knowing what it is. I am now 62 years old Emeritus, Amen. But there have been others like me because they resisted the doctrines,” he explained.

“You don't know how painful it is that you announced that you were going to Spain, and in Spain they didn't, it was a lie, and here in the Dominican Republic they said it was a lie. I lost all credibility as he gave himself up to all sorts of guesswork“, he went on to say that what had happened hurt him deeply.

About crises The church indicated trust, reliability Inclusive crisis and Christian identity.

“It is a crisis, before, as Jesus lived, there were always many problems, and the Lord did not say that he was not going to see the problems, but he was always going to take responsibility for straightening them out. The path of the church Peter's boat… Because I want to save myself, I will not go to another boat and another church. Salvation is found in the church, the crisis is not going to condemn me, if I resign in the face of crisis they will condemn me,” he explained.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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