Amlou does not want to “mess” with Peru; She will avoid crossing its airspace on a tour of South America: “We don’t want nonsense.”

AMLO announced that it would avoid transit through Peruvian airspace.
AMLO announced that it would avoid transit through Peruvian airspace.

president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Provide details of what his itinerary will be during his tour south americain which she will visit Colombia and Chile, and whose flight plan will last for about an hour, because during said plan it is planned to avoid the airspace of Peru.

And President López Obrador indicated, during Wednesday morning, that he would seek to take care of the matter Inauguration of the President He avoided problems with Peru, a country that declared him persona non grata last May after he snubbed Dina Boulwart as president.

Since we don’t want them to make us Nonsense “Because it is public and disreputable, we do not have good relations with the government of Peru, we will not require passage through airspace, and we will take a route to reach Santiago de Chile,” the president said.

The Federal President said that with this decision regarding his trip plan, his trip will be extended by about an hour, but he justified that it is better to take this action so as not to get into a “problem”.

On Friday, September 8, the President will leave for Chile.  (Photo: Giovanni Perez/Infobae Mexico)
On Friday, September 8, the President will leave for Chile. (Photo: Giovanni Perez/Infobae Mexico)

He pointed out that in this way a Confrontation and that his inauguration and the country were involved in a scandal.

About your flight details by south americaThe politician from Tabasco announced that he was leaving Next Friday, September 8th. It is a trip of at least three or four days. He even expressed that he would not know exactly when he would return so that he could deliver his traditional morning conference from the National Palace.

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“We’ll see each other on Tuesday, if not until Wednesday. But we went out on Friday after the conference.”

In addition, he announced that his accompanying delegation, which will include the Minister of Foreign Relations, as well as the Commander of the Navy, Admiral Jose Rafael Ojeda, who will travel on an Air Force plane.

According to the Vienna Convention, the term “persona non grata” means “not welcome” in relation to diplomatic relations.

And it is that the relationship between Peru and Mexico is still in a state of collapse, after the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Peruvian State Congress announced that President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador “Unwanted personOn Thursday, May 25 of this year.

According to the text of the agreement, which has been in place since 1961, if the government grants that badge, it does not have to provide explanations about its use.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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