A famous physicist reveals 3 of his most exciting predictions about the future of humanity

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A famous physicist reveals 3 of his most exciting predictions about the future of humanity, today Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 07:25 in the morning

Previously, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku shared his three most exciting predictions about the future, revealing how he believes technology will help humanity eradicate cancer. Dr. Kaku, 73, is no stranger to the wonderful world of science fiction and cutting-edge technology. As a theoretical and futuristic physicist, he has written several bestsellers about the world of tomorrow and has hosted numerous television series, including a three-hour BBC documentary titled Visions of the Future.

The City College of New York professor believes that autonomous cars, artificial intelligence and the emergence of virtual currencies are near, and said that humanity should focus its efforts on moving away from the planet. Nobody says we should leave Earth and go to Mars, but settling on Mars is a safe possibility. ” In a video for Big Think, Dr. Kaku revealed his three most mind-blowing predictions about Future 1. Humanity will become a space civilization The enormous distances between planets and stars have prevented humans from settling on worlds other than Earth. Even colonizing nearby objects like the moon and Mars is a huge challenge that we have yet to overcome, however, Kaku believes that humanity is on its way to becoming something of a space traveler.

He said, “We are entering what I call the next golden age of space exploration.” The physicist fears that it is inevitable that the Earth will one day suffer a great catastrophe, like the asteroid that wiped out most of life on Earth 66 million years ago. Although there is no such thing. The planet “is on its way to us soon, except that he thinks it would be wise to spread humanity across the stars. Now, of course, Elon Musk has revived this vision by speaking of multi-planet species.” However, the laws of physics stand still. Along the way, because space travel is an expensive and ineffective job, Dr. Kaku is looking to use spaceflight technology that uses ground lasers to propel spacecraft up to 20% of the speed of light. This technology already exists and cannot be improved, and in time, thinks the physicist, it will allow us to reach one of our closest stars, Proxima Centauri.

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To help us with this goal, Dr. Kaku said that humans will need to build fleets of robots and machines that will create our shelters and colonies from materials already found on these newly explored worlds. Humans Expand Brain Capabilities The common metaphor in science fiction is that humans use only a very small percentage of their mental abilities. Although scientists have completely refuted this claim, Dr. Kaku believes that technology will allow us to expand our horizons. In particular, he said that computers will connect our minds to the Internet and allow us to exchange memories and share our emotions directly with others. Kaku called this incredible new technology the “brain network.” “We are entering a new era in which the Internet can become a ‘network of minds’. And the brain network can replace the digital Internet. Instead of zeros and ones, you will send feelings and memories online. Of course to teens will love it. ”

3. Human beings will eradicate cancer once and for all. Kaku believes that humanity is entering a “fourth wave of scientific innovation” that will include the integration of biotechnology and artificial intelligence to improve humanity. The physicist believes that we will find treatments for diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease over time. He said: “” We will have a magic solution against cancer using nanomedicine. These are individual molecules in cells that can attack individual cancer cells using nanotechnology. ”

Other technological advances will help people discover disease at home, by detecting cancer cells in body fluids. Ultimately, Dr. Kaku believes that medicine will become non-invasive by using techniques that will analyze symptoms directly from DNA chips, a technique he has called “biopsies.” The physicist said: “We will have years of warning that there is a colony of cancer cells growing in our bodies. And our grandchildren will ask, how can we fear cancer so much?”

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