YouTuber Cinco has been branded transphobic for her actions against Miss Portugal

Social media users have called for the “cancellation” of the Salvadoran content creator after the action against Marina Machete. Look what he did.

By J. Barrera
November 07, 2023- 15:57

Salvador is a YouTuber Cinco ZavalaIn a live broadcast for her YouTube channel, she was labeled transphobic after making a racist impersonation. Miss PortugalMarina Machate is one of two transgender contestants competing in the Miss Universe pageant in El Salvador.

Like other fans and content creators, the aforementioned YouTuber ventured into the headquarters hotel to document what the candidates were doing as they passed through the lobby. In a live broadcast, Zavala recorded several contestants, however, when she realized that Miss Portugal was there, she immediately turned the camera away from her to avoid taking a shot. According to him, he took this action because his subscribers “didn’t want to see it”.

“Let’s wait a bit. Sorry guys, someone you didn’t want to see walked in there. That’s why I turned the camera. “I don’t think they wanted to see that miss.”Zavala commented before letting out a sarcastic laugh.

read more: Yazaira is listed as “Ambassador of El Salvador at Miss Universe”.

YouTuber Cinco has been branded transphobic for her actions against Miss Portugal
Marina Machate is one of two transgender contestants to compete in Miss Universe 2023. Image for illustration and non-commercial purposes/

The move has sparked anger and outrage among social media users as they consider it disrespectful to the contestant from the Iberian nation who is traveling to El Salvador for the title of the most beautiful woman in the universe.

“Who are these five people? A rude person with no respect. And he claims to be a stupid YouTuber”, “We must condemn his disgraceful channel”, “What a disgrace these people are bringing to the country. This campaign to remove this dictatorship”, “Why these events? The kind of people they always invite?”, “In part, the organizers are responsible for allowing ordinary, uneducated people like this stupid guy who doesn’t know where he is. Stands up” , “That professional man has nothing. Why do they allow them in such things? Besides, he discriminates against women. It is clear that he wants to,” he said.Some of the comments posted on Tiktok, a video of the moment starring Cinco Zavala has gone viral.

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Currently, the creator of the content has not commented on the controversy.

It is worth noting that the term transphobia is a neologism that refers to a set of ideas, behaviors, and events that include a series of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions toward transgender people, transsexuals, or gender heterogeneity in general.

Illustrative and non-commercial video/

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