Xabi Alonso's Bayer Leverkusen are crowned champions for the first time in the Bundesliga!


He Bayer Leverkusen Operator of Spanish Xabi Alonso The Bundesliga was crowned champions today for the first time in its 119-year history.

This is how the 2023-24 Bundesliga standings go

'Aspirins' wins Werder Bremen (5-0) at BayArena to make history and end the dominance Bayern Munich. They did just that five days before the close by building a 16 point lead.

Also, the Leverkusen He remains undefeated with this title. He was unbeaten in 43 games Sabi He has won the first trophy in his short career as a manager.

Florian Wirtz He scored a hat-trick of 68, 83 and 90 runs. A large part of the fans came to the stadium to celebrate with the team.

Florian Wirtz He scored his team's third goal in the 68th minute with a long-range shot. Then in 83 he signed his double after ruling a counter. Entertainment Leverkusen He took to the field to celebrate.

Leverkusen He extended the lead to 60 with a left foot shot Granite Shaka From outside the area. Beautiful goal for the title.

The home side took the lead in the 25th minute through a goal scored by the Nigerian striker. Victor Boniface, From the penalty shot.

Hours: 9:30 AM from Honduras and Mexico.

Mode of spread: ESPN 3 and Star+.

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Eden Hayes

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