Without space in CDMX, Cuauhtémoc Blanco requested a license to compete for a multiplex in San Lázaro

The current governor of the state of Morelos, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, confirmed today, Tuesday, that he has sent his application for a license to the local Congress to request a license starting next April 4 until June 2 to compete as a candidate for the position of federal representative through a multi-member nomination. Under the flags of Cherry Morena.

In this way, the governor complied with the ruling of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF), which on March 20 ordered the former American player to step down from the executive position he has held since 2022. He stressed that, as the local constitution indicates, as soon as his leave begins, the Minister The current government, Samuel Sotelo Salgado, holds the reins of state.

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As this newsroom reported, the incumbent governor sought to vie for the position of CDMX head of government, but in the end Morena did not make him part of the race despite his great popularity in the city as a legacy of his time as a footballer. a star. In this context, he was studied as a potential candidate for mayor of Cuauhtémoc, a position he rejected, which finally fell to Catalina Monreal, who would be Morena's candidate in the capital.

Also, during the closing of the federal legislative lists carried out by the ruling party, the Cherry leadership considered the candidacy of Cuauhtémoc Blanco as a candidate for the position of federal representative for District 7, headed by Mayor Gustavo Madero. This play, as I explained Local purchase orderwas trying to submit a competitive candidacy against the former head of government of the Party of the Democratic Revolution, Miguel Ángel Mancera, who would be the candidate in the aforementioned region.

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Finally, the official District 7 was to contain the current MAS mayor, Francisco Chiguel, who claimed significant shares of power within the official lists after Morena confirmed Giancarlo Lozano's candidacy for mayor as his successor. In this scenario, the aforementioned position went to the current deputy and wife of the mayor himself, Beatriz Rojas, who rejected it anyway as a sign of discord with the armed forces closed by the ruling party in the country's second largest region. National capital.

Myrtle Frost

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