With the head of a pig .. The houses of Pelosi and Magnwell are destroyed

The homes of Republican majority leader Mitch McConnell, Democrat leader and Speaker Nancy Pelosi were demolished this week.

A few days after the controversial passage of a provocative bill that was widely criticized by a broad coalition of progressive activists and even President Donald Trump as inadequate, the homes of two of the most powerful members of Congress were said to have been demolished.

‘Serious trick’

In a statement Saturday evening, Senator McConnell of the Republican Party of Kentucky expressed his regret that the “serious maneuver” was derived from a “toxic rule book.”

The WDRB-TV senator’s house in Louisville was reported to be stained with red and white paint. Pictures, written in front of the house, including “Versus Money Money” on the front door.

The Louisville Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Saturday.

McConnell said in his statement: “I have fought my career for the First Amendment and advocated for peaceful protest.” “I applaud Kentucky for everything. They have participated in the democratic process whether they agree with me or not. But this is different. There is no place in our society for the policy of bullying and intimidation.”

‘Pig head’

At around 2 a.m. Friday, San Francisco police responded to a report of a burglary at a home in a suburb. A police department spokesman said the garage door had spray-painted graffiti and a “pig’s head” was left on the sidewalk.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the house belongs to Ms. Pelosi.

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Police did not respond to further questions, including whether the pig’s head found on the speaker’s property was genuine or fake. The spokesman’s office did not respond to a request for comment Saturday.

On Tuesday, McConnell stopped trying to raise stimulus checks from $ 600 to $ 2,000. McConnell’s alternative plan is to increase trigger checks to 2,000 parts on President Trump’s list, which includes an investigation into allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 election and the removal of certain legal protections for technology companies such as Facebook, Google and Twitter.

He said the Senate would “begin a process” to consider large payments, along with other demands of President Trump. Ahead of Monday’s House vote, Pelosi said in a statement that the vote against increasing incentives was “a denial of the financial crisis facing families and the denial of the relief they need.”

On Sunday, a Republican senator praised Trump for signing the new stimulus bill in a statement on Twitter. “The stimulus bill is not right,” he said. “But it will greatly benefit Kentucky and fighting Americans across the country who now need help.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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