What is The Weeknd’s new name and why did you decide to change it?

Weekend Saying goodbye to his stage name. Interpreter of ‘Blinding Lights’ has chosen Get rid of your popularity Stage name By changing his social media identity to his birth name: Abel Tesfaye.

Abel Makonen Tesfaye is the full name given to him by his parents. Weekend At birth. However, in earlier interviews, The 33-year-old artiste revealed that he didn’t like it so much, so he didn’t hesitate to create his own stage name…as well as his exit today.

This is how the Stage name in’Weekend

According to various reports, ‘ nameWeekend‘ Abel arrived after leaving school with a backpack on a weekend with the goal of never coming home. However, Canadian One should be deletedAnd“In “Weekend” Because another band with the same name already existed and they wanted to avoid legal problems.

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Why did The Weeknd decide to change his stage name?

The name change comes later The artist will reveal to the press W magazine He wanted to “Kill the Weeknd” to close that chapter in his life and release new music under his real name.

“I am now passing through a Khadar path. I’m getting to the point and time where I’m getting ready to finish The Weekend chapter. like the weekend I have said all I can say”, Revealed artist for the above publication, His next album could be his “Last Rush” With this name.

It is noteworthy that a year ago. Abel tweeted that he wanted to use “Ye” and change his legal name to ‘Abel’ without the last name; “Like Madonna, Cher or Prince”.

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Gillian Patton

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