We have been able to “hack” photosynthesis, it may be the best source of clean energy in the future

Extracting energy from a process vital to many organisms on the planet seems like an amazing discovery.

We have achieved "to hack" Photosynthesis may be the best source of clean energy in the future
The process of photosynthesis can be interfered with to take advantage of the energy that is produced. unsplash

Since we seem to have realized that killing the planet isn’t a good option, it seems human being Determined to Go clean energy, as is the case for those coming from nuclear power plants. However, we did not expect that a process such as photosynthesis, which is carried out by a significant part of the organisms on the planet, could also be used to obtain energy. the planet plants It relies on technology, with Android apps dedicated to caring for plants, and on science to provide us with energy boost Without precedents.

An unexpected new energy source: ‘hacked’ photosynthesis.

Recently, at Research published in the journal Naturewe were able to find out how a An international group of researchers I got “Break through” the first stages of photosynthesis. The result was the discovery of a new method for extract energy from the processwhich could be a precursor to a new type of clean energy that many did not expect.

For this they used Ultra-fast electric technologies To find out how the chemical processes that allow the extraction of electrons from molecular structures occur in the early stages of photosynthesis. Jenny Changof the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. it states which – which:

We didn’t know as much about photosynthesis as we thought, and the new pathway found in electron transport is quite surprising.

Man has spent all his existence in imitating wise Mother Nature to repeat her operations and it seems that on this occasion, Photosynthesis can be mimicked to Clean energy generation From natural elements such as sunlight or water. At first, the research sought to understand A cell name of the thing quinoneWhat is this able to steal electrons of photosynthesis and this is very present in nature.

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This process can not only be repeated to obtain clean energy, however Researchers also They say they can regulate photosynthesis for those Crops tolerate sunlight better. The implications of this discovery, even at a very primitive stage, may be decisive for facing the coming decades with guarantees on a planet struggling to survive.

Myrtle Frost

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