We are inspired by the 28 generation

The presidential candidate for the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González, met with youths from the Unit this Saturday morning and commended them for their work to achieve change in the July 28 presidential election.


In this sense, González Urrutia pointed out, “I'm really happy to see everyone with this joy, with this enthusiasm that they bring to the campaign.”

The presidential candidate emphasized, “We have a generation that can inspire us, so on July 28, we are coming very quickly to consolidate the victory, which all the opinion metrics we know at this time give us.”

Likewise, he compared the 28 generation and said, “The election date is not a coincidence, we are all inspired by the 28 generation to achieve success.”

The Generation of '28' is a social current created by university students that emerged in Venezuela in 1928, leading the struggle for a democratic project, in the context of the changes and modernization process that transformed the relationship between society and Comecismo. Juan Vicente Gómez, as the last inheritor of the political culture of the 19th century military leaders.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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