Vince Lombardi has to apologize to Tom Brady, the daughter of the designer

Mexico City /

The throw he made Tom Brady of the Vince Lombardy Cup From boat to boat during the celebration Tampa Bay Buccaneers To obtain Super Bowl L.V. The daughter of the person who designed it, who To apologize in mythology.

Under the argument that he was the first to know the interest in printing Greg Cross, Master of Brand Silver Tiffany & Company From 1967 to 1994, his daughter, Lorraine, Pointed out Fox 4 Misbehaving the award is disrespectful to those who worked on its preparation.

“I was concerned that this file was insulted Very disrespectful It’s like a real football ball, ”he said.

“personally, I would like to apologize, Not only to me, but to my family and other silver staff, to the fans, to all the football fans, to the other players on the team, ”Lorraine added.

Crow commented that it was launched Tom Brady It bothered her so much that it reminded me of all those sleepless nights The effort his father had taken into him To describe it.

“I have seen this trophy made at Tiffany’s factory and it is a beautiful trophy. My father had to chisel the zucchini. The zucchini had to be removed by hand. The ball is handmade and basic too“, He added.

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