Video: Hector Santardi admits he had a double chin and upper eyelid reduction

Hector Santardi shared a video on Instagram where he appears with a bandage on his face. A few hours ago, the former host of Telemundo’s La Casa de los Famosos had already announced the procedure with two photos. Along with this pair of snapshots, Guatemala wrote: “I once thought: ‘If I ever have cosmetic surgery on my face, it will be after 50 and something very natural.’ That day has come.”

In the latest video posted on her Instagram profile recently, Chandharti explains what all the aesthetic treatments she has undergone are about. He began to reveal the medical names of each procedure, which were cervical rhytidoplasty and upper blepharoplasty.

It’s, in plain Spanish, “reduction of the double chin and upper eyelids,” explains Hector. Regarding the reasons that prompted him to take this step, he said: “I’m not doing this to change my features or expression, it’s just a facelift to slow the passing of the years and give you my best smile ever.”

“I am so happy to have placed such a delicate intervention in the hands of God and a Guatemalan surgeon. Thank you Dr. Ernesto Cofino, you and your team are extraordinary. Stay tuned, the new is coming again Santarty, renewed, refreshed and recharged, but most of all looking forward to being back on television and closer to you. I love”.

Friends and colleagues of Santardi have responded to his publication, and the first to send him a heartfelt message was Mexican actress Laura Flores, who wrote: “Bravo, you are already beautiful, now you will be better. Thanks for sharing! I love you and I always support you, dear Hector .

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The producer, Memo del Bosque, also left a few words for his friend: “Congratulations, Hugh Hector. With that, you cover everything from entertainment programs to children’s programs.” Among the many messages he received from his fans who continued to regret not being the star host of Telemundo’s La Casa de las show. Famosos.

In this topic of the Telemundo reality show, Hector did not make any reference to the project or to the exit from it, the host limited himself to clarification to his entire audience and the media in general. Many wish to continue working on the small screen.

Let’s remember that a few weeks ago the Hispanic TV station announced that Nacho Lozano will take the place of Sundarti in LCDLF, which will return with its fourth season in 2024, and Jimena Gallego will also be with the journalist.

Read more from Hector Sundardi here:
· Telemundo’s viewers talk about Hector Sundarti’s IG: “We miss you so much at La Casa de los Famosos”
· Tony Costa and the kind message he left for Hector Sandarti after his departure from ‘LCDLF4’
· Hector Santarty sends message amid controversial exit from ‘La Casa de los Famosos’

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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