Gabriela Fossati, the prosecutor in charge of the case investigating the document falsification network created by the former head of the security department of the President of Uruguay. Alexander Astezianowill try to retrieve the chats between the accused and Luis Lacalle Pou. These conversations were dismissed at the beginning of the trial.
According to the magistrate, the non-inclusion of these chats in the investigation was due to “miscommunication by intermediaries in custody, particularly the investigative staff”. Fossati added that now “it’s been resolved by the president’s offer” and “we’re going to try to recover what we can recover from those talks.”
Through a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office, Javier Benech, the magistrate emphasized “No one has a crown at trial”. This comes amid widespread accusations against the government and the prosecutor’s office for alleged lack of transparency.
Regarding the espionage complaint filed by Senators Mario Bergera and Charles Carrera of the Broad Front, Fossati tweeted that “the espionage is baseless with the information gathered so far” because the “dimension of facts”: “They don’t exist. They help reach the truth when they try to impose a truth,” the lawyer said “in public opinion.” “Influencers,” he said.
Controversy later arose surrounding the lack of access to chats between Lacalle Pou and Astesiano the observer The prosecutor’s office made the decision based on the government’s “need,” the report said. They assured the ruling party that there was no need for them to leave the presidency consulted by journalists.
Lacalle Pou, meanwhile, said at the time that he had “no agreement with the lawyer” and that he had not spoken to him at any time during the trial, but that he knew the “Minister of the Interior expressed concern”. Existence of private, family, private cell phone conversations” and Fossati accepted the conditions.
From October 3rd, there is a communication that you certainly have access to – because you have access to everything, more than we do – from October 3rd, in which specific data and records are requested, the lawyer says. A conversation with me,” the Uruguayan president told reporters. However, he assured that it was not his request.
“It seems to me that the truth, after time, is the best thing that the prosecutor can do and judge, because one day and another, at least two media outlets that have access to all the conversations leak information,” Lakal Bowe said.