UAdeC announces the Creation of the Committee for the Dissemination of Science – El Sol de la Laguna

Saltillo, Coahuila.- With the aim of giving a more efficient dissemination to the research activities carried out at the Autonomous University of Coahuila, this Friday the Research and Postgraduate Directorate and the Communication and Public Relations Coordination announced the creation of the Committee for the Disclosure of Science.

At a press conference, the Deputy Director of Research of the Research and Postgraduate Directorate, Dr. David Castro Lugo, the Coordinator of Communication and Public Relations, Dr. Julieta Carabaza González and Dr. Reyna Rodríguez Pérez, who is a member of the Committee and professor of the Faculty of Economics, released important information about the actions that will be carried out.

Dr. David Castro Lugo, pointed out that the Committee for the Disclosure of Science of the Autonomous University of Coahuila has the challenge of promoting and promoting science communication activities and is made up of researchers from the three units, from the Saltillo Unit Dr. Mónica Chávez, Dr. Reyna Rodríguez and Dr. Cristina Martínez, while Dr. Yanet Ventura and Dr. Paola Meléndez participate in the North Unit, and Dr. Jorge Sadi from the Torreón Unit.

He pointed out that the Research and Postgraduate Directorate will work in conjunction with the Communication and Public Relations Coordination of the University, this through the performance of various activities with which the objective of making the community what is done in the field of science by UAdeC researchers.

He commented that the University has a very large collection in terms of science and pointed out that in 2020 24 books were published by the Research and Postgraduate Directorate, there are more than 60 research projects with external funding, plus of 20 projects with internal financing through the Seed Projects and more than 240 projects without financing.

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In addition, almost 250 articles have been published in recognized journals, more than 20 in journals recognized by Conacyt and the University has five of its own journals in which results of research carried out on science, technology and innovation are published.

He added that the UAdeC has a registry of researchers made up of 573 scientists, of which 258 are part of the National System of Researchers SNI; stressed that the Research and Postgraduate Directorate has the challenge of making known what it is working on and how it impacts for the benefit of society, for which he invited to visit the page, where you can access everything that is currently being done.

For her part, the Coordinator of Communication and Public Relations, Dr. Julieta Carabaza González, highlighted that they had already been working on actions to promote the dissemination of science, but that with the creation of the Committee and the union of both units, the best results.

He pointed out that they have already been working for some time on the “Science Makers” Programs, which aims to disseminate the bibliographic heritage of researchers and from it, insertions for newspapers, videos for television stations and radio spots are released; while it is also working on the “Scientific Connection” project in which the results of the researchers’ work will be addressed.

He commented that a section is also about to be launched in an institutional newscast on science and the scientific work of researchers, as well as other radio projects, including “Los Explicadores” where they will talk about what researchers do to solve social problems.

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Carabaza González, called on the media to get closer and learn about everything the University has to offer in the field of science and research and announced that a press conference will be held on the last Friday of each month to disseminate activities in these areas.

Dr. Reyna Rodríguez Pérez, reported that in order to achieve greater diffusion, work is being done on the radio program “La Mujer y la Ciencia”, which will be aimed at young women, with the aim of encouraging the female sector to join the scientific areas and address wage discrimination experienced by women.

The program will consist of an interview with a female scientist, who will share her experiences in the world of research, the challenges, satisfactions, as well as advice on how to develop in this area; He also pointed out that a calendar is being created in which to follow up on the different topics that are being worked on at the University.

If you want to know more about the research work carried out at the UAdeC visit the page and on Facebook Research and Postgraduate UAdeC.

Myrtle Frost

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