Trump released documents from the Russiangate case: “One of the worst investigations in FBI history!”

Lindsay Graham, chair of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, released a series of documents from the Russiangate case on Friday.

U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsay Graham has released several additional documents and copies relating to the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and his panel’s subsequent investigation, calling the initial investigation “one of the most inefficient and corrupt investigations in the United States.” History of the FBI and the Judiciary. “

The first inquiry into whether members of President Trump’s 2016 campaign collaborated with the Russians to influence the election was called the “Crossfire Hurricane”. Graham, a South Carolina Republican senator, released copies of interviews with FBI and judicial officials:

“I believe the Crossfire hurricane investigation is the biggest failure of the top management body, but it is not representative of the patriots and workers who are committed to defending our nation every day in the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the judiciary,” Graham said. . The Commission issued “as much material as possible”, but noted that “some classified material has not yet been published”. Calling the move “one of the most inefficient and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DJ,” Graham said, “he applauded everyone who took part in the sessions and paved the way for us to reform the system.”

Graham made serious allegations

“The FISA court lied. Exemptions from interrogation were withheld. With a few significant exceptions, investigators used law enforcement powers for more partisan and political purposes,” Graham said. “The lives of investigators have been ruined. I hope counter-investigative investigations will be curtailed and this will never happen again in the United States.”

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Graham said he would continue to pursue intelligence reforms and apply for warrants. At the same time, he believes “his fellow Democrats and Republicans can find a common ground in these matters,” while urging FBI Director Christopher Ware to “pursue the reforms he has begun.”

Meanwhile, former Attorney General Bill Barr, U.S. Attorney General John Durham of Connecticut has challenged him as a special counsel, confirming that he could continue his investigation into the origins of the Russian investigation during the Biden administration. FoxNews.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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