The WHO says Africa has a higher risk of Ebola outbreaks

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The World Health Organization (WHO) Announced this Thursday Risk of Ebola outbreak in West African countries Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia are “elevated” due to the unknown size, duration and origin of the current eruption and the limited response capability on the ground.

This should include difficulties already experienced Local health systems, due to Govt-19 In addition to recent explosions Yellow fever and measles, The Geneva-based organization said in a statement.

The February 14 The Guinea’s Ministry of Health informed the WHO A group of people are infected with the Ebola virus Attend a nurse funeral In the Nzérékoré region (south of the country).

Now detected Seven cases related to this explosion, Five of them died, and the other two are in treatment and isolation.

They have also been identified 192 possible contacts with victims, There is also concern about over-exchange Nzérékoré Next Liberia and Ivory Coast.

The WHO warned that despite the restrictions on local borders due to the epidemic Govt 19, More and more movements pose a risk of Ebola spreading.

For this reason, the organization insisted that it was necessary for neighboring countries Guinea Prepare and implement measures to improve your responsiveness and prevent the spread of disease.

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Eden Hayes

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