The UP2 building will be used for public offices and recreational spaces – the community

Senator Jorge Marradi, Representative Mariana Farfán, municipal officials and Zonal Architecture delegate Leticia Pogliolo, among others, were in attendance.

“Our goal is to embody this decision by Governor Bordet to close the No. 2 Sanctions Unit in Gualeguaycho, one of the oldest units in the country. Secretary Romero explained that the regional government is on the path of building new wings at the El Potrero Ranch unit and we have another building in Federal City, where the inmates will be relocated.”

Regarding the fate of UP No. 2, he said: “The path we will gradually take is that in the current enclave of the Gualeguaychú penal unit, one part serves as a public space and the other as a civic center to operate the regional state offices.”

“The prison will be closed completely, part of the old structure of the county will be left so that public offices such as a civic center can operate, and part of it will be left for public picnic and recreation space,” Minister Romero said.

In this context, Mayor Biagio explained: “In a short time we will close UP 2, giving us the possibility to re-evaluate the area, create a new centralization of our city, a place of meeting and work,” and then conclude “We will rescue and open this heritage of our city, transforming it into a thematic public space, a center civil “

Senator Jorge Maradi stressed the importance of joint work between the province and the municipality “to find the best destination for the historic building of the second penal unit” and added: “We have analyzed the various proposals, the main idea will be the transportation and transfer of inmates.” That space is in an open space for the community.”

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“It is worth noting the significant work done by the Ministry of Government to advance the transfer of Unit No. 2, both through the expansion of Penal Unit No. 9 that can accommodate some inmates, and through coordination. With the municipal administration and law enforcement agencies. Human rights, projects Futurism in space, and the preservation of this historic and important building. It is a pleasure for the administration and the community to become a reality”, said Representative Mariana Farfan.

In this sense, he added, “I want to highlight the political decision of Governor Bordett, Minister Romero and Mayor Biagio, to change this public space, to make it available to all neighbors with a new job, and thus respond to a historic claim.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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