The startup that will take you to space in a hot air balloon

The era of space tourism has begun, and in time it will not only affect billionaires, but it will spread to all and allow us to enjoy experiences that until recently did not seem possible.

World View Enterprises joins this new type of travel with a unique and exciting project: a hot air balloon that will take people to the stratosphere.

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The trip will last between six and eight hours and will take passengers to a height of at least 30,000 meters, where they will be able to see the curvature of the Earth (sorry, flat-earthers) in contrast to the darkness of space. The global experience will last five days, which will be spent in places of natural beauty and of historical and cultural importance.

“World View’s ambition is to change the discourse on space tourism. It is not just a pleasure trip; it is much bigger and more important than that,” said the company’s president and CEO, Ryan Hartman, in a note from press. “We are redefining space tourism for participants by spending hours at the peak (the highest point of a flight), building memories around some of the most magnificent wonders on Earth.”

A ticket will cost $ 50,000 (which compared to traveling with Bezos is equivalent to a movie seat) and the first flights will begin in 2024.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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