The melting of the poles affects the Earth's rotation, and this is what science says – Teach me about science

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Once again, environmental alerts have been activated thanks to a study by a scientist, which reported that melting ice has greater consequences than previously thought.

For too long, humans have indiscriminately taken advantage of the natural resources Earth has provided us, with consequences that may have irreparable repercussions on our home planet.

Pollution, logging, polluted oceans, misuse of natural and mineral resources, and even the disappearance of entire species have been the responsibility of humans.

All these actions, over the years, have led to unimaginable consequences, as we put the Earth's delicate natural balance under control by misusing its resources.

One of the most direct consequences of all these human actions is global warming. Which explains National GeographicIt is a result of greenhouse gases.

The result of this effect is that the heat emanating from the sun is stored in a larger quantity and for a longer period of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, which accumulate in larger quantities in the atmosphere as a result of the consequences of the natural imbalance caused by the atmosphere. Caused by humans on Earth.

This whole series of events brings with it a specific problem that has attracted the attention of expert scientists for years, and which has recently been discovered to have greater weight than previously thought.

Melting glaciers is a problem that has been talked about for years, but today we know that the consequences are worse than we previously thought, because according to researcher Duncan Agnew from… University of CaliforniaThis condition is affected by the Earth's rotation.

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Image credit: Computer Today

With that comes a more worrying situation, which is the time lag, meaning that the days can last longer, because due to the melting ice, the Earth is rotating more slowly, as stated in Agnew's research, published in 2016. natureScientific journal.

Agnew bases his hypothesis on the fact that the weight of the poles changes due to the melting of ice, which leads to an unbalanced distribution of the Earth's weight, because as the ice melts at the poles, water flows to the equator, which is where it should not be and makes the Earth rotate more slowly.

This situation can lead to very serious consequences for the lives of all beings on the planet. Further natural disruption would bring more serious environmental problems.

In addition to the problems that nature will face, it is also useful to highlight the gap that will occur in time. Although the days do not have a specific length, now they may tend to last longer due to the planet slowing down due to the melting of ice.

This is undoubtedly a wake-up call to the entire population in general about how worrying the environmental situation in which we live has become. In addition, we are at a point where there is no turning back, and the damage is sure to cause long-term problems.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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