The Hope spacecraft reaches Mars. This is the historical work of the Arab world

The Arab world’s first space mission, the United Arab Emirates’ Hope spacecraft, is expected to enter Mars orbit on Tuesday, February 9, the first of three spacecraft expected to reach the Red Planet this month.

The United Arab Emirates, China and the United States began their missions to Mars in July 2020, using the time when Earth and Red were close to each other.

If Hope’s mission is successful, the United Arab Emirates will become the fifth country to reach Mars, while China’s mission will be the sixth.

Returning to Earth, iconic buildings in the United Arab Emirates burned red at night, and the government’s online social media accounts used the hashtag #ArabAstromars (#Arabispramarte).

Hope’s study goes through a very “critical and complex” maneuver

Hope, also known as Al-Amal in Arabic, orbits the Red Planet for at least one Mars year (687 days), while China’s Tianwen-1 mission and US diligent rover land on the surface of Mars. Only the United States, India, the Soviet Union and the European Space Agency have so far successfully reached the Red Planet.

Since its departure from Japan in July 2020, Hope’s mission has now gone through a very “critical and complex” maneuver, with Arab officials saying there is a 50-50 chance of a successful entry into Mars orbit.

The spacecraft will be caught by the gravity of Mars and will launch all six Delta-V engines in 27 minutes, reducing its speed to approximately 181 km / h to 121,000 km / h.

The Arab mission will provide a complete picture of the weather patterns of the Red Planet

The process will consume half of the fuel of the Hope study and begin on Tuesday, February 9, at 17:30 (Romanian local time), which is 11 minutes to signal the progress of the study to reach Earth.

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Omran Sharaf, project manager for the Arab mission, said it was a great honor to be part of the first space mission to Mars this year.

Although the Hope spacecraft is designed to provide a complete picture of the planet’s weather patterns, this mission is an important step towards an ambitious goal that will create a settlement on Mars over the next 100 years.

When do we get the first information from the Hope Inquiry?

In addition to strengthening its position as a key regional player, the UAE wants the project to inspire young Arabs, a region often plagued by religious conflicts and economic crises. Physics.

The Hope spacecraft will use three scientific instruments to monitor the Martian atmosphere, and is expected to begin sending data back to Earth in September 2021 once data from scientists around the world is available.

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Eden Hayes

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