Astronomer shares latest details.
Comet “Diablo” is so close to the Sun that it will again be visible on Earth, this time on its closest approach to leave its orbit.
Comet “12P Bones Brook,” also known as “Diablo,” will be visible in parts of the Southern Hemisphere on June 2.
Roberto Carias, National Director of Science and Research at the Western International School, said the “Devil” is closest to the Sun in its orbit and will appear again in June in 71 years, i.e. in 2095.
It is noteworthy that comet Pons-Brooks started leaving traces in the sky from the middle of last year and had its biggest sighting in April this year.
Carias explained that the 'devil' will pass by about 232 million kilometers from Earth on June 2 and will be visible through binoculars.
“Comet Diablo is currently visible from the Southern Hemisphere of the Americas to Chile, Argentina, the southern part of the African continent and Australia,” Carias said.
The astronomer noted that Comet Diablo has already lost its brightness and is now magnitude 6, so it will not be visible in parts of North and Central America.
Comet Ponce-Brooks was last seen in 1954. It was officially discovered in 1812 by French astronomer Jean-Louis Bons and rediscovered in 1883 by William Brooks. Astronomers have shown evidence of sightings as early as 1385.
2024/05/152:43 p.m / Internet writing
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