Televisa actress stopped walking after catching Govt-19

After infection Govit-19 A few months ago, Barbara Islas He shared how difficult it is to get past Disease Completely alone, she decided not to approach her relatives because she did not want to hurt them.

In fact, the actress and the presenter longed to see him Family In the Puebla where they live, however it has not been possible since he began to present Fever, A few days before Christmas and New Year.

Barbara said in a release on national circulation that she will always take care of herself when recording the second season of ‘My Dear Herensia’. Healthy distance Y I didn’t go anywhere else It was not his job, so he never thought about an epidemic, however when he started recording Delanovela ‘Burning fire’ That was when one of the weekly tests came out positive.

When it is 15 days Suffered Symptoms of the disease F of those who dominatedBad headachea, Changes in your breathing, Up to one day Stopped walking!

Barbara said the virus struck her very hard His legs stopped responding Exactly, “I have no strength in my legs, I was very worried”, Agreed.

The actress said that two days later she was able to regain strength in her legs and was able to walk again. “Thank God, 2 days later I started walking again. However No one can snatch it from you, And being true It’s hard to be away from my family and have no one to help me”, Commented.

Barbara Islands Infection airs after Govt-19

Now, Barbara is coping After Govt-19, Because all such symptoms are confirmed by a pathologist Depression, anxiety, insomnia and poor concentration, Is the result of being affected by disease.

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In addition, it is a Recovery therapy In which he had to perform Lung treatment And a Stem cell therapy, He hopes he can recover the affected organs.

Finally, Barbara told herself to be wary of any symptoms, because The doctor said he might have a re-infection Of the virus.

Barbara Islands Infection airs after Govt-19

Gillian Patton

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