Step by step: This will be the development of the political trial against Guillermo Laso in Ecuador

Although the Constitutional Court has given way to impeachment, there are still some procedures before the final vote (REUTERS/Karen Toro)

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador Published by A Partial sanction judgment To begin with the procedure Accusation Against the President of the country, William Lazo. Congressional opposition drives the process, must abide by the judges’ rules, and can justify the president politically. speculation. others Two counts of concussion were disallowed By judges.

However, Lasso still has a few more steps to defend itself before the Legislature. The process, as per current norms, can be taken Between 45 and 60 days. With this deadline, Lasso can serve his second year in office and then be fired.

Once the Constitutional Court formally notifies the parties of the decision, the process returns to Congress. In the Assembly, members of the Assembly Executive Committee (CAL) shall, for not more than three days, be known as the highest-powered body within the National Assembly. CAL has announced that it will hear from the judges on Friday, March 31 at 9:30 a.m. (local time).

Watchdog to report to plenary on political probe (REUTERS / Karen Toro)

After the session, the CAL will send the documents to the Commission on Oversight and Political Control, which will prepare a report on the reasons why it recommends or not the President and submit it to the Speaker of the Assembly. The report should be read in full. The commission will also notify President Lasso so that he can prepare his defense, his response to the charges and present evidence for his defense. The process will take about 30 days for the commission.

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Once the report is prepared and sent to the Speaker, it is shared with other members of Congress and a plenary session is called. Apart from impeachment, the agenda will also require a list of legislators who will question the President. According to the organic law of legislative activity, This process can take up to ten days.

An impeachment hearing takes several hours. According to political scientist Ariana Tanka Machiavello, the trial “lasted more than 8 hours. The questioning legislator has two hours and the President has three hours to defend himself. Then the debate begins.” In other words, the session can be divided into two days: one for intervention and defense; the other for debate.

Guillermo Lasso can defend himself before the Legislature. He spends about three hours on his defense (REUTERS/Karen Toro/File Photo)

According to the regulations, After the discussion, the Chairman of the Assembly shall convene a fresh session within five days.A resolution of censure and impeachment is therefore voted upon. A qualified majority, i.e. 92 votes, is required to remove Lasso.

If legislators approve the impeachment, Vice President Alfredo Borrero will remain president for the remaining two years of his term. In other words, early elections are not called.

According to the magistracy, Congress can prosecute the President only for corruption. If the Legislature considers the facts, inferences and evidence relating to the concussion allegations rejected by the Constitutional Court, they will be held in contempt if they use these arguments in their passing resolution. interventions.

92 votes are needed to remove the lasso (REUTERS / Karen Toro)

A charge of fraud appearing in a criminal proceeding against Guillermo Lasso Ecuador Oil Fleet (Flopec) signs contracts with Amazonas Tanker For transportation of crude oil. These agreements were signed due to pressure from former LASO official, Hernan Luk. According to supporters, the president knew the damage these deals would do to the state and did nothing to stop it. It can be understood as “abusing, appropriating, diverting or arbitrarily disposing of public resources”.

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Lasso argued in the Constitutional Court that between 2018 and 2020 there were flobeck contracts and irregular acts. However, proponents of the charge say the lasso Averted Actions must be taken during his government to ensure that these agreements do not continue in force.

Continue reading:

Ecuador’s Constitutional Court accepts the impeachment request against President Guillermo Lasso
Ecuador sent a message of support to Pedro Guillermo Lasso, considering the possibility of a political trial against the president.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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