Some students with special needs struggle to regain their place in Armila

For a decade, students For the general qualitative center education Jean Piaget private They enjoyed an enriching experience to say the least, a journey from their center to Swimming pool Municipal cover ArmilaThey received fun-filled, camaraderie-focused educational sessions Hydrotherapy.

This trip not only gave them moments of utmost happiness with their companions, but also provided them with valuable learning and tools during their stay on the waters of the Armillera facilities. However, recently, these students faced a difficult situation reflectsGood municipality De Armila refused access to the indoor pool, having previously used two streets exclusively for these activities for an hour and a half.

In view of this rejection Amba (Association of Students' Mothers and Fathers) of the Center, with its President Josefina Roig and Treasurer María José Dominguez, raised its voice to Claim This space is one of the most important vital For your children, neighbors, brothers and friends.

the Mothers And Fathers The students requested a meeting with Lolly Canavati, mayor The municipality has been living for more than two months, but under a continuous wait in which measures have not appeared, tension and despair have gripped the affected people and their families, who are only demanding a quick and satisfactory solution. Answers By the municipal body.

Real repercussions

the negative The City Council forced some affected to He travels daily to work To other locations, traveling long distances to do activities that can be carried out just a few meters from the Jean Piaget Centre, unique The general specific center for special education in Grenade.

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“Walking students from school was part of the activity, contributing to the development of independence and learning to follow rules. Initially the city council was responsible for holding the monitoring, but this assistance disappeared and it became an expense that we had to bear, so we only ask that they give us these two streets from the pool, because we will bear everything else,” says María José Domínguez.

Until a few months ago, it was people from the Andalusian Voluntary Service who accompanied the students on their way to the pool and helped them change in the locker rooms.

Looking for solutions and answers

The main complaint with AMPA is the lack of explanations and… Transparency By the City Council, which, in the face of public protest from AMPA, stated that it was already working on measures to solve this problem. The Armillero City Council claims that it is committed to actively searching for a suitable solution to a program that has been successful in some way successful For ten years.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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