Rare diseases are the focus of the presentation at the Ciudad Ciencia Project

Rare diseases are the focus of the presentation at the Ciudad Ciencia Project

Cronista Herrera Municipal Library. |Photo: Gabriel Gomez|

| It will be held this afternoon in the municipal library hall

“Strange things in the lab.” is the title of the conference that will be hosted this afternoon at 6:30 pm in the hall of the Cronista Herrera de Cuellar Library. It arrives at the municipality coinciding with tomorrow’s celebration of World Rare Disease Day.

The symposium was organized by the Department of Social Affairs It will be implemented by Elisa Fernandez, Researcher at the Alberto Solz Institute for Biomedical Research (CSIC-UAM) who will speak about rare diseases.

Rare diseases are those that affect a small number of people compared to the general population. In Europe, the disease is considered rare when it affects one in every 2,000 people. However, “Rare” is not very rareBecause when all of these diseases are put together, they affect millions of people globally. In this talk we'll explain how the origin of many diseases can be found and explained in the laboratory, starting from almost nothing.

Thanks to the Ciudad Ciencia programme, this conference takes place in the city, in the month when the Day of Women and Girls in Science is also celebrated.

Science City is a national scientific publishing project of the Supreme Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) whose purpose is to enable residents of cities far from large urban centers to learn first-hand about current scientific and technological developments. It is currently supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

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Myrtle Frost

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