Prime Minister Nicola Siouca held an important meeting with Adrian Zuckerman. What topics did the authorities discuss?

Interim Prime Minister Nicola-Aonal Siouca held a meeting on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 with US Ambassador to Romania Adrian Zuckerman, President of the U.S. Import-Export Bank Kimberly Reid and US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Policy and International Cooperation Alesia Duncan. The talks were attended by Romania’s Deputy Prime Minister Raluka Durgan and Minister of Economy, Energy and Trade Virgil Bobascu.

During the meeting, Economy, Energy and Business Environment Minister Virgil Bobescu and US Ambassador Adrian Zuckerman signed a memorandum of understanding on nuclear cooperation between the Romanian government and the US government. Projects in Chernivtsi and in the field. Civil nuclear power in Romania was launched during the Romanian minister’s visit to the United States from early October.

Matters discussed by the authorities

Discussions at Victoria Palace on key topics focused on bilateral cooperation, noting US involvement in the Romania-US strategic partnership, political, military, energy and economic strategies, particularly in Romania. , Including those promoted under three maritime initiatives (I3M).

The caretaker Prime Minister underscored the numerous positive developments recorded this year in Romanian-US bilateral cooperation, showing that the growth and depth of all dimensions of this cooperation represent the highest level of goals. At the same time, the caretaker Prime Minister reaffirmed the support of the President and the Romanian government for the three maritime initiatives, emphasizing that the implementation of the I3M Priority Communications Program, with US involvement and support, could provide significant support for the post-epidemic. Strengthening the economic recovery and recession. Important for the security of the country. At the same time, the strong US economic presence in Romania is a strong signal of the motivation and motivation of other foreign investors interested in trade opportunities in other countries.

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Constanta-Gdansk rail project required

At the same time, the head of the Romanian government underlined the importance of realizing the priority of the Constanta-Gdansk railway project (Rail 2C), a transnational project that would have a strategic impact on economic development, but with the implications of ensuring military mobility between the North and the military on the east side. At the same time, Prime Minister Nicola-Aonal Siouca noted the need to implement the Via Corbedia road project.

The U.S. side reaffirmed its commitment to a strategic partnership between Romania and the United States, including the role of the U.S. Import-Export Bank in supporting US exports to Romania and the implementation of projects related to the Cernavoda nuclear power plant. The representative of the Department of Energy, in this context, praised the long-term partnership with Romania in the field of energy.

US Ambassador Adrian Zuckerman highlighted the uniqueness of the bilateral relationship between Romania and the United States and the very important regional role of our country.

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