Nicolas Maduro has announced that his son will be part of talks with the opposition in Mexico

Nicolas Maduro Guerrero, son of Venezuelan dictator, sees his father during a press conference in Caracas (Photo: Reuters)
Nicolas Maduro Guerrero, son of Venezuelan dictator, sees his father during a press conference in Caracas (Photo: Reuters)

Nicolas Maduro Declared his son, Nicholas Ernesto, Be a part of Negotiations with the opposition begin in Mexico With the mediation of Norway. This was confirmed by Maduro, who explained that he was his son “He is part of the Dialogue Commission going to Mexico headed by Dr. George Rodriguez.”

They go to Mexico for conversation With the right-wing extremist regime that ruled from the United States. We are in talks with the opposition பிடியாங்கி, Broyanki, With slaves to the US government. You have to talk to the devil too. We go with the cross, with the holy water, with God’s blessingMaduro stressed in a speech this Thursday.

In 2019, Nicholas Ernesto was granted permission by the Office of Foreign Property Regulation (OFAC). U.S. Treasury appoints son of Venezuelan regime’s “illegal leader” Nicolas Maduro Moros.

Maduro relied on his son Nicolasito and others close to his dictatorial regime to maintain economic dominance and oppress the Venezuelan people. The United States will continue to target the complicit relatives of those who exploited the regime’s illicit use of Maduro’s corruption, “said Steven Muncin, then treasury secretary.

Who matured with his son
Who matured with his son

Yesterday, it was confirmed Opposition parties and the Venezuelan government have entered into “final round of talks” Before their conversation in Mexico, the Mexican foreign minister said. Marcelo Ebrat.

“I confirm that the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed us about the parties participating in the dialogue on Venezuela. They have entered the final stages of their research talks to begin negotiations in our countryThe head of Mexico’s foreign ministry (SRE) said in a message on Twitter.

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The announcement comes after the Mexican president last Thursday. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, Declared Due to the crisis in the country, talks will be held between the government of Nicolas Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition.

Just hours before confirming the Venezuelan opposition department, Ebrader, who will lead the two-time presidential candidate Henrik Gabriels Indirectly confirmed its participation in the process starting on Friday This includes the opposition led by Juan Guido.

Norway confirms that the Venezuelan government and the Venezuelan unitary platform are in the final stages of negotiations, with a view to starting negotiations in Mexico.“The Norwegian Foreign Ministry said.

Mexico’s offer comes amid the president’s growing role Lopez Obrador Expressed for the unity of Latin America After many years he was no longer interested in foreign policy.

In 2019, the Lopez Obrador government will be one of the few in the region It did not recognize the leadership of the opposition Juan Quito and won the proposal for dialogue between Maduro and the opposition, along with Uruguay.

Nicolas Maduro and his son
Nicolas Maduro and his son

“The Mexican government has always encouraged dialogue among the Venezuelan people as the only solution to the situation in Venezuela. Without interference and concessions from a humanitarian point of view “, Reiterated this Wednesday Maximiliano Reyes, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Relations to Latin America.

Prior to the speech, the Venezuelan opposition had expressed a desire for a general election.Free“Y”Fair“When Maduro responded, he said he was ready to meet.”All resistance“, But it is needed International sanctions will be lifted before sit-in talks.

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Last week, several opposition members promised that the day after the talks would begin August 13But, according to the president, The day is not set yet.

(With information from EFE)

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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