Meta creates an artificial intelligence supercomputer

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has announced that it has created it An artificial intelligence supercomputer It will be used in a variety of applications within joint ventures, including Madaverso.

Supercomputer, a series of connected high-power computers, goes by the name AI Research Supercluster (RSC). According to Facebook, “It’s one of the fastest artificial intelligence supercomputers, and it will be just as fast by the end of mid-2022.”

Meta, a consortium of companies that includes Facebook, has developed an artificial intelligence supercomputer.

This is a statementMeta explained that the RSC Supercomputer will assist collaborative researchers in tasks such as analyzing texts, images and videos, and creating augmented reality tools. “Ultimately, the work with RSC will pave the way for the technology design of Mataverse, the largest computer platform, in which artificial intelligence applications will play a key role,” Meta pointed out.

But what made the meta RSC supercomputer? Platform 760 offers Nvidia DGX A100 systems, with a total of 6,080 GPUs (specialized graphics computers). The storage includes 175 petabytes of pure storage FlashArray, 46 petabytes of cache, Penguin Computing Atlus computers and 10 petabytes of Pure Storage FlashBlade.

Meta added that when the RSC is completed it will integrate 16,000 GPUs and its data flow capacity, which will be used to train artificial intelligence systems, will be 16 terabytes per second and “we plan to scale it to 1 exabyte”.

Once the supercomputer is at full capacity, it will have the performance of “approximately 5 exoflobs mixed composite calculations”.

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Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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