Liga Pet Play: National Defeated Deportes Dolima at Athanasio Girard | Colombian football | Pet Play League

Atletico National beat Deportes Dolima 1-0 on the second day of League II-2021. With a goal from Andres Andrade, Purslane cut back on not being able to win in eight official games, taking the goal to zero and taking revenge on the uncomfortable opponent, who overcame everything, but failed.

Both teams were cautious from the start of the game. Dolima was a team, while the National looked at its peak and tried to come out in detail.

In the 13th minute, the Nationals made their first approach with a centerpiece from Jerson Condello to the right of Jerson Duke, but goalkeeper Alvaro Montero was able to intervene. Minutes passed, and the attendance recovered the ball and prevailed on the pitch.

In the 20th minute, an overflow to the left of Andre Estupian was leaked to Juan Pablo Nieto, who ended up on a defective pass, sent off by Alder Quintana’s defender, who reappeared on the team after playing with the Colombian national team in the Cup USA from Brazil.

In the 23rd minute, Jarlan Barrera made a deflected shot, and three minutes later, a Jarlan cross from the right field to Andres Andrade, hit the ball vertically with a header.

The game was tough, concentrated in the center of the field, and when trying to play for the National Wing, Dolima used power and hand duels.

But in the 35th minute, National Andres opened the scoring through Andrade, who used Montero’s permission to split the ball and use a combined game between Jarlan Barrera and Jர்rz Candela, Samaria came to the right and filtered the ball into the far post of the ‘Rifle’ long-range post. Athanasio Groddot caused a shout of joy from the 6,000 fans who came to the stadium.

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In the 42nd minute, Andres overcame Andrade to the left, dominating the ball and stopping Jarlan, who made a wrong shot under Dolima defensive pressure. There was still one man with greens by Jefferson Duke, who he failed to finish comfortably. The game ended the first half with some advantage for the locals.

At the filling stage, Deportes Dolima made two changes; Juan Pablo Nieto and Andre Estubian left, Johandri Orosco and Daniel Moreno entered. The first two minutes were submitted by the arrival, the Nationals were able to get out of that pressure with a flood from Andrade until the 4th minute, which led to a corner kick, which was charged and Emmanuel Olivera from Salakka, frightened the corridor and gold.

In the 13th minute, after the header of Juan Fernando Keiseto at Alder Quintana, Dolima almost equalized after an error that could not be used by Andrade, and eventually the ball was rejected by Geisen Peria.

In the 21st minute, National moved the bench and made three changes; Baltomero Berlasa, Jarson Candello and Jonathan Marulanda came out, while Sebastian Gomez, Alex Castro and Brian Cordoba entered. For his part, Dolima got the chance to do two more types.

In the 26th minute, Johantry Orosco finished past Quintana’s goal close to the left field. He lost control of the National Ball and defended himself as best he could. In the 32nd minute, the Greens made another change, with Jefferson Duke being replaced by Uruguayan Jonathan Alves.

In the 36th minute, the Nationals returned to the opposite goal, after a joint action by Jonathan Alves, Andres Andrade and Jarlan Barrera, the latter ended from mid-distance, demanding goalkeeper Montero. At 39, Andrade headed towards the fancy goal with a cross shot to the edge of the area.

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Five minutes into the match, the National settled for his changes, replacing Jarlan with Zimmer Forre, who had a very tiring match on the offensive front.

In the end, the Nationals were able to catch a decision, make the game and get their first win in the league against Ptolemy, he served well, was strong, but not as strong as other chances at Athanasio.

The next day, Atletico National visits Santa Fe in Bogot, while Deportes gets Allianza Petrolera in Dolima Ibaque.

Juan Camilo Alvarez Serrano
My Twitter: @ juanchoserran8

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