KP Spanique and his unusual plan to leave acting in the future

KP Spanique during the photo session.  (Image by Adrian Monroe / Media and Media / Getty Images)

KP Spanique during the photo session. (Image by Adrian Monroe / Media and Media / Getty Images)

KP Spaniard has surprised the art world by revealing his future intentions to leave the iconic screen. For nearly thirty years, the Venezuelan actress has established herself as a total commentator on the productions of the San Angel TV station. However, the time has come for the actress to face new challenges in her personal and professional life.

In an interview with Canal de los Estrelos’ Hoi show, Spaniard announced that he was seriously considering ending his participation in soap operas. “Yes, I want to stop it. There comes a time when you need to do (feel) what you have already doneR. I want to make a movie, but when it’s apple and pear, I think: is it worth it? “He said in his speech with the morning show.

At the age of 48 and with 24 telenovelas in his history, Spanish is at the peak of his career. Maybe your participation Fighter heart, Where she gives life to Eliza, who can see her last because of what she implicitly said. “Maybe I can sell a little or more of what I have. I want to go with my son, I want to open a restaurant, years go by and sometimes we lose stuff from our kids because we’ve been here for 16 hours.

In addition, the actress admits that there are many times in her career when she is not 100% satisfied and that those moments cast doubt on her continuity in the world, which gave her a lot. After all, there is no doubt that he was the basis for the eternal rise of the genre of drama in Latin American television. His path makes it completely clear.

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After winning Miss Venezuela in 1992, KP began her acting career in Telenovala Light beauty It was only two years later that he got his first lead role There is no one like youBut undoubtedly the moment that marked his life forever came in 1998, because that was when he came to Mexico to participate in his first production for Televisa.

The introduction of the Spaniard on Aztec soil was with La Usurpatora and the result was simply catastrophic. Telenovela was not only a huge success in Mexico, but also an international success that gave the Spaniard worldwide fame in his first Mexican project. From that moment on, his presence became more and more stable and many times he had to play a hostile role. In 2002 he signed a contract with Univision to complete its first phase with Televisa.

Spanish during the press conference.  (Adrian Monroe / Media and Media / Getty Images)

Spanish during the press conference. (Adrian Monroe / Media and Media / Getty Images)

But the gap was better broken, because in 2010 he returned to give life to Ivana Torrentes. I am your master. As expected, his performance was appreciated by the audience and he found the necessary response to the story played by Lucero. In that area, in hostility, KP Spaniard plays the exception, Because their characters express the rejection that the audience must necessarily feel. Not every story is interesting without the villains.

As he makes a final decision, it becomes clear that his legacy is well established in the memory of the audience who have enjoyed his performance for three decades. Although he has also expressed his desire to enter the business world, it is not clear what his next step will be: “One of my dreams is to set up a gourmet restaurant, no menu, no boutique. Stay in the hotel and upstairs. ”The truth is, no matter what happens, KP Spanick is already a living legend in acting.

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Gillian Patton

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