Joe Biden: The message of unity after Trump’s turbulent years

When The Wall Street Journal Headlines: “Biden invites the nation to a fresh start.”

The president focused on the message of unity and urged Americans to overcome divisions. He called for a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the epidemic, describing it as his first act as president.

Mountain The difficulties Fiden faces in taking office are fully set in the oath.

President Trump, who refused to admit defeat, did not attend the inauguration ceremony. The chapter was isolated following pro-Trump protesters trying to stop certifying election results.

Attendance at Wednesday’s ceremonies was reduced, while Team Biden urged Americans to avoid the plague to Washington D.C. However, Biden sought to express a sense of hope and hope that his administration would be able to rule all Americans.

Newsweek Headlines: “Joe Biden appeals to Lincoln for national unity”

Biden turned the clock more than 150 years in his speech when Lincoln signed the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln later said that this act would add his name to the history books and that “my whole soul is with him.”

Before the Civil War, Lincoln addressed the nation for the first time as president, choosing issues directly. He acknowledged the frustration and anger in the South and the growing sentiment throughout the union. However, he urged people to come together, Newsweek recalled.

Also, as the press commented Time, ”The opening day has always been an important moment in the United States, but this year the tension and challenges facing the new administration in the country have drawn attention to an unprecedented day.

The change of power is not peaceful: Donald Trump provoked the uprising of his supporters on January 6. Biden promised to be president for all Americans and spoke in detail about maintaining democracy.”.

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An idea BBCWith the message of solidarity after Trump’s turbulent years, Joe Biden promised to be a president for “all Americans” – including those who voted against him.

Joe Biden concluded his opening remarks by warning that the United States should not turn “back to itself” – a retreat to “competing factions” and a country on the world stage. “We will adjust our alliances and reconnect with the world,” he said.

National Public Radio It also looks at clothing features, which are unimportant in such cases.

“President Biden and second-rate Doug Mhoff wore costumes designed by American designer Ralph Lauren.

Vice President Harris created two color designers from Louisiana and South Carolina, Christopher John Rogers and Sergio Hudson, respectively.

The first lady, Jill Biden, was chosen by Alexandra O’Neill of Colorado, a New York City-based margarine house designer, for her blue coat and dress.

Clothing choices are not random. They symbolize a return to American design and encourage young creators and two black designers. Some of the women who attended the inauguration – including Kamala Harris, but also former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Senator Elizabeth Warren – wore the colorful purple of the suffrage movement.

We conclude with the analysis of Le Figaro“With Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron won a friend, but without the illusions.”

More than happiness, Paris definitely dominates. Like the fact that in a few years, the world and Europe have changed a lot and can not return to normal.

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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