Javi a dry premiere, March 3 at Espacio Soho Club Madrid

this March 3rd reach to Library Space Soho Club Madrid Premiere of a movie Dry to drytheatrical debut as a playwright Alfonso Munoz. In addition, it contains an address Ricardo Johnny, known for the huge success of “Las niñas de Hummené”, which was a nominee for Best Detection Show at the XXV Max Awards. The cast chosen for this story consists of: Marc Oreiro and Carmen Cabildo. It will be presented every Friday in March and April at 7:30 PM through April 28th.

Jaffe premiere to dry

Premiere of “Javi a Dry”

Soho Club Madrid Space We welcome this March 3rd Premiere of a movie Dry to drywho will be represented Every Friday at 7:30 pm in the library. This work is the first work of a playwright Alfonso Munoz, a well-known communication expert, launches into his first play. In addition, the premiere of the piece coincides with the publication of That Nobody Knows Anything, a fantasy book that will be released on March 13. for this adventure, In the direction was Riccardo Goni, who was already responsible for “Las niñas de Hummené”, a great success for his El Dado Teatro company.. On the other side, Marc Oreiro and Carmen Cabildo They will be responsible for giving life to Javi and Carmen, respectively.

Give us the story Javi who wakes up from a deep sleep without noticing anything around him. He doesn’t know where he is, he doesn’t remember why he’s there, and he doesn’t know how to get out. Fortunately or unfortunately, all he knows is that He’s not alone: ​​Carmen, his best friend from high schoolreturns to his life at that moment to guide him in a process in which they learn together Sometimes in order to escape, you first have to understand how you got to where you are now.

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A journey of personal discovery marked by sexual repression and fear of inadequacy, which is It will lead Javi to reconsider the decisions that have marked his life… And to meet all the Javis that live in it.

Jaffe premiere to dry
Image: “Jaffi Jaffe” (Dado Theatre)

Technical and technical paper

Performers: Marc Oreiro and Carmen Cabildo
text: Alfonso Munoz
Title: Ricardo Johnny
Lighting design: Show me Lyon
volume space: Stained glass graduated
picture: Pascal Pizarro
production: Andrea Duran

Don’t miss a movie premiere Dry to dry from March 3rd In the Library of the Espacio Soho Club in Madrid.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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