Iohannis knows when we will get rid of the pandemic! The news of the moment for all Romanians. Is mandatory

At the first press conference of this year, President Klaus Iohannis spoke about the vaccination campaign and its importance. The head of state stressed that vaccination is the only solution by which we can achieve normalcy in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Furthermore, Klaus Iohannis also mentioned that Romania’s economic recovery is related to vaccinating people.

“Vaccines are the culmination of the efforts of scientists. Mass vaccination is the only solution to return to normality as soon as possible. Romania’s economic recovery depends on the success of the vaccination campaign,” President Klaus Iohannis said in the first press conference of this year.

When will Romania get rid of the coronavirus?

Additionally, President Klaus Iohannis said that it is critical that this vaccination campaign immunizes the population nationwide. In addition, the head of state said that if all goes well, we will get rid of the pandemic in the summer.

“It is essential that this vaccination campaign succeeds in immunizing the population at the national level. I ask everyone to show loyal participation and collaboration. I am convinced that the effort will be rewarded in 2021 if we manage to vaccinate a significant percentage of the population for the summer, “added the president.

The head of state also said that until the vaccination of a fairly high percentage of Romanians, the protection measures will remain in force. Additionally, President Klaus Iohannis also stated at this year’s first press conference since Cotroceni Palace that Romanians must remain vigilant.

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Myrtle Frost

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