Gender and inclusion are shaping the science agenda in southern Chile

Only 30% of researchers are women, and this same percentage is repeated in academia, the private world, and companies with a scientific and technological base.

Based on this statement, the Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Institute (CTCI) of the Greater South Region, Mighty Castro, explains the problem that directly affects the development and growth of the country.

In response, the first ever district-wide agenda on gender, diversity and inclusion was formed at the CTCI of Southern Chile on Monday.


Held in Aula Magna on the Chuyaca Campus of the University of Los Lagos, this event was composed of representatives from the academy, productive social space, and civic organizations.

“As part of our ministry, we are working committed and committed to breaking down the gender gaps in the scientific ecosystem, which are very deep,” Castro said on the occasion.

“That is why we are convinced and convinced that this table will be very important because it will operate permanently and is of an advisory nature to communicate with other similar tables that are being prepared throughout the country, and with our ministry,” Seremi explains.

The table will seek to propose concrete measures so that they can be studied within the Ministry of Science and thus participate in the updating of public policies on gender in the CTCI. The sectoral authority emphasized that the proposed solutions will be developed from a regional perspective, taking into account the characteristics of each region.

The formation of the table was attended by directors or gender officials from other higher education entities located in the Greater South region, among them Universidad de la Frontera, Autonuma, Católica de Temuco, Universidad Mayor, Austral de Chile, San Sebastian and the Lakes. She also participated in seminars on women and gender equality from the regions of Los Lagos, Los Rios and La Araucanía.

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Myrtle Frost

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