From today, the Virtual Book Space opens its doors

From today, the Virtual Book Space opens its doors

2021-02-15 05:48:13 / Doing Radio

Starting today, Monday, February 15, Cubadebate will host in its pages the Virtual Book Space: the literary crusade that arises from the alliance between various institutions and projects to bring creation in this area closer to Cuban families. You can also learn about the challenges and institutional projections to continue making and defending culture from books and their creators. Born of the alliance between Cubadebate, the ICL, the Cuban Observatory of Books and Reading, Cubaliteraria, Claustrophobias and Cuba Digital, the project will run throughout the year.

Cuba regrets death of vice president of Yoruba association

The Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba mourned the death of the vice president of the institution and the longest-lived Ifá priest on the island, Ángel Custodio Padrón Cárdenas. Through its account on the social network Facebook, the group announced the death of the famous personality of that religion. Padrón Cárdenas was born in 1928, he was one of the most admired and loved people in the Afro-Cuban religion and worked for the unity of believers in the country. After his death, several institutions paid tribute on social networks to who they describe as a man capable of maintaining the lineage of the great priests of Ifá.

Exhibition of the artist Martha Jiménez exhibited in Camagüey

Once again, the artist from Camagüey of the plastic arts Martha Jiménez shows her talent with Tasting, an exhibition made up of 19 pieces in glazed ceramic as the main technique, although others can also be seen made with cold-covered terracotta. Her aesthetic codes and very peculiar style of creating are reflected on plates and vases, where once again the female figure is the protagonist, voluptuous and free; in addition, figures such as fish, harlequins, goats, sewing machines and moons, are part of these creations, codes always present in his art. The local artist is one of the most notable and prolific in the territory, author of the sculptural complex of the emblematic Plaza del Carmen, located in the oldest segment of the city, declared in 2008 a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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Alain Pérez dedicates his new video clip to all lovers

The versatile multi-instrumentalist and singer Alain Pérez dedicated this Sunday to lovers the video clip of Your name in a bolero, one of the songs from his most recent record production The Tale of the Good Pipe, under the EGREM seal. Beyond February 14, symbolically this clip “magnifies the day, because I wanted to give it to everyone, and incidentally share this joy with my people, my audience and those who have always followed me,” said the musician. Likewise, the teacher Zenaida Romeu participated in the song, with a more intimate touch that the Camerata Romeu gave to the romanticism of the musical piece.

They offer audiovisual appreciation workshops with Joel del Río

In order to criticize professionally, guidelines, knowledge and tools are necessary that allow us to see beyond, to look at certain fundamental elements for this practice, or to simply express our criteria with dignity. Thus, the Internet is the chosen platform to socialize these contents in these distant times. The appointment will be with the renowned critic Joel del Río, from today February 15 to 24, with daily frequency at 11 in the morning, from the ICAIC YouTube channel, and its social networks. There it will be available to all interested.

UNESCO Director-General sends message for the tenth edition of World Radio Day

Audrie Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO, sent a message of congratulations on the occasion of celebrating the tenth edition of World Radio Day, in circumstances in which it has been observed to what extent radio, this young 110-year-old media outlet, it remains essential to our contemporary societies. “Radio has been a fundamental instrument in our response to the crisis. Radio has contributed to saving lives through the transmission of health instructions, the dissemination of reliable information and the fight against hate speech, ”said Azoulay. It also pointed out that UNESCO has harnessed this potential by producing royalty-free audio messages in 56 languages ​​and offering them to radio stations around the world to counter false rumors.

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The Book to the House project is promoted in Cuba

Reinforcing the habit of reading, but above all avoiding contagion with the new coronavirus, are objectives of the Libro a la casa project, which these days is being promoted in several Cuban bookstores. Since May of last year, the Provincial Center for Literature and the Book in Havana conceived this project that allows readers to buy the texts of their choice from the safety of home. The idea is to bring the book to people’s homes to help make physical distancing a reality and that they find in reading a way to stay at home. Those interested can request the books by phone from bookstores, where they take the order and deliver it at home in less than 72 hours, which avoids exposing people to possible contagion.

Words to the Wind Company shares stories on social media

The Oral Narration Company Palabras al Viento, from Holguín, shares in these days of isolation, dissimilar stories through the telephone line and social networks, based on the healing power of words. Through the number 24 45 33 04, and from 10 in the morning to 12 noon, people can contact the members of this multi-award-winning collective and listen to a story in their voices. The repertoire varies because they have been nurtured by new narratives and fictions from national and international literature, as well as anecdotes to enrich the general culture, without being limited to a group of ages to generate concerns that can be discussed as a family, promoting at the same time communication between them.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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